Brian's Top 5 Worst Words to Say With a Lisp (5/5 based on 1 votes) *
  1. Saucy
  2. Sentiments
  3. Saskatoon
  4. Serious
  5. Lisp
Last Updated: 02/09/2004 7:20pm

Comments regarding this list:
User Date Comment
Brian 02/09/2004 7:52pm well, it's tough! lisp is certainly a bad one, but there's only one S.
Erika 02/09/2004 7:42pm it seems like "lisp" really would be the worst. these others are great though. i love lisps!
Brian 02/09/2004 5:38pm thothe are my thentimenth eggthactwy.
Brian 02/09/2004 5:38pm thweety, let'th vithit thathkatoon for our aniverthry.
Brian 02/09/2004 5:33pm actually you're totally wrong, but whatever!
Danny Kryptonite 02/09/2004 5:32pm saucy and serious have to be the best. im thhhheriouth!
* - This list topic was personally devised by Brian