Rob K's Top 5 Coolest Things About Being 50 (3.5/5 based on 2 votes) *
  1. Didn't just learn history--lived it
  2. Many women intrigued by older men
  3. When arguing, can back up claims with 5 decades of experience
  4. Compared to 60, still pretty young
  5. Bar no longer set quite so high
Last Updated: 02/21/2004 5:47pm

Comments regarding this list:
User Date Comment
Brian 02/22/2004 11:35pm or so my dad told me
Brian 02/22/2004 11:35pm hahah that was an accident
Erika 02/22/2004 11:35pm i liked when "lived it" was a separate factor.
* - This list topic was personally devised by Rob K