Brian's Top 11 Trees (3/5 based on 2 votes) *
  1. Maple
  2. Parse
  3. Birch
  4. Apple
  5. Binary
  6. Oak
  7. B
  8. Elm
  9. AVL
  10. Red-Black
  11. Cherry
Last Updated: 02/20/2005 4:24am

Comments regarding this list:
User Date Comment
Brian 02/21/2005 10:32pm i had a really bad experience with avl trees once
Nate 02/21/2005 9:06pm AVL should be a lot higher, but this was pretty nice. who gave you the 2?
Danny Kryptonite 02/21/2005 2:10am you forgot alder
* - This list topic was personally devised by Brian