Matthew's Top 7 World Leader Moustasches (3.75/5 based on 4 votes) *
  1. Theodore Roosevelt
  2. Adolf Hitler
  3. Ulysses Grant
  4. Josef Stalin
  5. V. I. Lenin
  6. William Taft
  7. Saddam Hussein
Last Updated: 01/29/2004 1:15pm

Comments regarding this list:
User Date Comment
Matthew 02/13/2004 2:01pm i dunno man, his moustasche isn't really all that much to get excited about....
Danny Kryptonite 01/29/2004 3:55pm hussein got shafted. deposed oppressive military dictator or not, it is a sweet moustache
Danny Kryptonite 01/29/2004 3:54pm i am the walrus? v.i lenin! vladamir iliach ulionov!
Erika 01/29/2004 2:50pm i'm really pleased that taft made the cut.
* - This list topic was personally devised by Matthew