Brian's Top 8 Screennames I Wish Were Available (4.33/5 based on 3 votes) *
  1. TopBrian
  2. NotHerFather
  3. LunchtimeNigga
  4. RapeSurvivor69
  5. ThugPassion
  6. FancyJohn
  7. Desperate4UrLove
  8. HugsAndKisses187
Last Updated: 12/11/2004 11:35am

Comments regarding this list:
User Date Comment
Danny Kryptonite 12/14/2004 2:25pm dude
Matthew 05/19/2004 1:23pm still 5
Matthew 01/28/2004 11:49pm 5 all the way
Brian 01/28/2004 4:15pm why is it that random number generators always stand between me and my dreams?
Brian 01/28/2004 3:59pm While I disagree, I'd like you to take a moment to consider CheapTrick87, and then increase your rating.
Nate 01/28/2004 3:50pm NotHerFather is a winner, but the rest can be forgotten
* - This list topic was personally devised by Brian